
Provides secure, symmetric encryption without much around it.

Includes these exceptions:

  • confsecrets.pbe.InvalidSalt - raised for an invalid salt
  • confsecrets.pbe.MessageTooShort - raised when attempting to decrypt a message that has no room for IV, ciphertext, and MAC
  • confsecrets.pbe.InvalidMessageAuthenticationCode - raised when decrypting a message with an invalid MAC
  • confsecrets.pbe.PasswordTooSimple - raised when PasswordUtil receives a password that is not complex enough.
  • confsecrets.pbe.PasswordNotShellSafe - raised when PasswordUtil receives a password that must be escaped from a Linux shell.

Includes these types:

  • confsecrets.pbe.PasswordUtil:
    • PasswordUtil.check - a static method that checks a password for length, complexity, and shell safety.
    • PasswordUtil.generate - a static method that generates a password matching above rules
  • confsecrets.pbe.PBEUtil - This is the heart of the module, providing secure, symmetric encryption.


Implements a file-based container of encrypted material. Each piece of encrypted material is accessed via a key.

Includes these exceptions:

  • confsecrets.vault.VaultPathMissing - raised when no path has been provided
  • confsecrets.vault.VaultNotFound - raised for operating systems errors accessing the vault
  • confsecrets.vault.VaultFormatError - raised when the vault is in an invalid format

Includes these types:

  • confsecrets.vault.Vault - A dictionary type that stores its values as encrypted, base64 encoded messages within a JSON or YAML file.
  • confsecrets.vault.DefaultVault - A vault with global parameters that functions as a singleton


Provides objects that behave like strings or other types, which are backed by the vault.

Includes these types:

  • confsecrets.secrets.BaseSecret - A base secret simply knows how to set and get its value from a vault. If no vault is provided, it uses the DefaultVault.
  • confsecrets.secrets.Secret - A secret that behaves like a string in string contexts, a bool in bool contexts, and so on.